Methods of treating varicose veins differ in the intensity of their impact on the pathological problem and their effect on the human body as a whole. Varicose veins are swelling of the subcutaneous veins with an acute circulatory disorder. The venous plexuses in the affected area become tortuous and acquire a bluish tint.
Compression jersey
Girdles are an integral part of the treatment of varicose veins at any stage. In the early stages of the development of pathology, compression stockings can stop the progression of the disease and restore the former beauty of the legs.
There are several types of knitwear:
- knee socks, tights, stockings;
- elastic bandages.
All of them are classified according to the degree of compression, manufacturing material and manufacturer. Considering that therapeutic underwear must be worn regularly, it is best to have the type of compression selected by a doctor. Compression stockings and tights can be used as prevention, especially if there is an increased risk of developing varicose veins.
Conservative treatment refers to non-invasive correction methods. The average course is 2-3 months. During therapy, swelling and inflammation decrease and venous protrusion decreases. It is important to combine local and systemic treatment with the use of compression stockings. Pharmacological correction allows you to eliminate varicose veins of the hands and feet due to the possibility of a systemic effect on the body.
Tablets are widely used in complex therapies. In addition to tablets, systemic treatment may include injections and capsules. Effective and well-known medications are:
- anticoagulants;
- anti-inflammatory;
- phlebotonics.
Local therapy
As local remedies for varicose veins, ointments, liniments and gels are used to apply to the surface of the skin. It is advisable to use local medications in home therapy. The drugs relieve swelling and burning in the area of venous protrusion, reduce cyanosis and relieve pain.
The following popular drugs are distinguished:
- based on glycosaminoglycan;
- based on natural ingredients (horse chestnut, honeydew, butcher's broom);
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- hormonal.
Treatment with leeches
Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) in phlebological practice is completely justified. The positive effect of therapy is due to the following positive aspects:
- elimination of tissue swelling;
- blood thinning;
- thrombosis prevention;
- pain reduction;
- Strengthening vascular walls.
Carrying out venosclerosis therapy.
A common method of treating varicose veins, used in the early stages of the disease. The effect of the procedure is noticeable after 1-3 sessions. There are two fundamentally different options for sclerotherapy.
puncture method
It is a vein injection treatment in the affected area. In some situations, patients may be prescribed intravenous lines. The following drugs are used for intravenous administration:
- platelet disaggregants (to thin the blood);
- thrombolytic agents (which dissolve existing blood clots);
- Medicines to improve blood microcirculation.
For severe forms of varicose veins, a synthetic analogue of natural prostaglandin E is used.1. Not all patients require puncture and injection treatment. The suitability of the method is prescribed by the doctor.
radiofrequency ablation
The method was borrowed from cardiac surgery, where it is still used successfully to improve heart rhythm in affected areas of the heart. Radiofrequency ablation literally means the evaporation of a substance. The method is based on the use of current with a strength of up to 750 kHz. The current is delivered to the venous lumen by catheterization. Under the influence of current at a temperature of 120 ºС, the walls of the vessels stick together.
Obliteration differs from classic sclerotherapy in that it is not necessary to introduce special adhesives.
Surgical correction
Surgical treatment is a radical method of treating varicose veins if conservative therapy is ineffective and the pathology rapidly progresses to healthy areas of the lower extremities.
The following methods are used for complete restoration of the affected veins:
- Phlebectomy.Surgery to remove damaged veins. Duration: approximately 1. 5 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period can last up to 3 months. After surgery, there is a risk of permanent scarring.
- Electrocoagulation.The method is based on tissue excision by evaporation of moisture under the influence of direct currents. The effectiveness of the method depends on the depth of exposure to high frequency currents. Coagulation is used in the treatment of blood vessels, warts, hemorrhoidal diseases and papillomas.
- Cryosurgery treatment.It is a widely used treatment method. The treatment is based on the effect of high temperatures on the affected veins. Under the influence of cold, the body begins to defend itself, which is expressed by the activation of regenerative processes in damaged tissues. To achieve the best results, 3 to 5 sessions will be needed. It is used for reticular varicose veins (stage I), as well as for venous diseases of grades 2 and 3.
- Scleroobliteration.A simple and effective procedure that consists of puncturing varicose veins. At the site of the injury, an alteration of the endothelial layer occurs and fibrous tissue forms. With adequate compression, the walls of damaged and fibrous vessels grow together and the vascular lumen is completely closed. The procedure consists of 5-7 cycles, but after treatment the probability of complete disappearance of the affected veins increases significantly.
- Performing endoscopic dissection.The method is one of the types of subfascial ligation. That is, the affected veins are ligated (cut) using endoscopic instruments using a remote surgical approach. After the procedure there are no marks or scars left.
- Laser treatment.An effective, very precise and safe method to eliminate affected veins. All treatment consists of local heating of the venous walls and their subsequent sclerosis. The advantage of the method is that only one procedure is required.
An innovative treatment can be used to treat varicose veins in children with obesity and endocrine disorders.
Traditional methods
There are several recipes that are used to improve the general trophism of tissues and blood vessels:
- essential oils;
- Apple cider vinegar;
- raw potato applications;
- aloe juice for ulcerative formations;
- cabbage leaf;
- apitherapy: treatment with bee products.
It is possible to use medications to improve immunity and improve vascular elasticity. Official medicine does not recognize that these medications are therapeutic and effective.
In the absence of varicose veins, a series of recommendations must be followed to prevent the disease. If you have varicose veins, changing your lifestyle and following your doctor's instructions will reduce the risk of the pathology spreading to healthy veins:
- Active lifestyle;
- eliminate bad habits;
- carrying while standing for long periods of time;
- wear comfortable shoes (you can alternate heels with wedges several times a day);
- a balanced diet to prevent constipation;
- weight correction with increase in body mass index;
- compliance with the drinking regimen;
- Regular exercises to treat varicose veins.
Varicose veins, when they progress and without adequate therapy, can be dangerous due to the risk of blood clot formation, trophic ulcers and even gangrene. Varicose veins often coexist with diabetes mellitus, so when the first symptoms of the pathology appear, it would be a good idea to visit an endocrinologist and rule out various hormonal disorders.